Presidential Campaign Sponsorships

Posted by: on Sep 1, 2015 | No Comments
The one and only (for now) IraSez t-shirt.

The one and only (for now) IraSez t-shirt.

Presidential Campaign Sponsorships

In today’s over the top, everything is for sale, your name here marketing environment, I was thinking it would be fun to see what sponsor would fit some of the presidential candidates. Some are obvious and others may need a little explaining but here it goes:

  • Donald Trump for President, brought to you by The Hair Club For Men.
  • Blimpie’s, proud sponsor of Chris Christie for President.
  • Rick Perry for President, sponsored by Huntington Learning Centers
  • Lindsay Graham for President is proudly sponsored by Schalge, the #1 maker of door knobs in America because no one should be stuck in the closet.
  • Hilary Clinton for President is brought to you by Clairol, because only her hairdresser knows for sure (and the woman who does her bikini wax…yes, that just happened).
  • The campaign of Jeb Bush is brought to you by – doesn’t every Bush deserve a chance to be President.
  • Air Canada, the official airline of Ted Cruz for President (do we really believe he’s American?).
  • NORML, the National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws, highly supports Bernie Sanders for President.
  • Epson, the official printer of the Carly Fiorina Presidential Campaign (because HP wants nothing to do with her).
  • The Wisconsin Cheese Board supports Scott Walker for President, because nobody cuts the cheese like our governor.
  • Bobby Jindal for President is brought to your local computer IT department (y’know there not really local, there in India, and that’s where he’s really from. You don’t really believe his name is Bobby…do you?)

And that’s all I got for now.  If you have one, let me know and I will be glad to add it to the list. I’ll give you credit. Actually I’m looking for a little help with this one so please chime in.