Mother Nature’s Revolt Continues

Posted by: on Sep 23, 2019 | No Comments

Mother Nature’s Revolt Continues

Dear Right Wing Religious Types

Posted by: on Nov 15, 2017 | No Comments

Dear Right Wing Religious Types

I have a question for you. What the fuck were (and are) you thinking? Oh, I’m sorry. Does the f word offend you? Well I guess the word hypocrisy will as well because you all are a bunch of religious hypocrites.

Let’s look at the facts. You, the religious right, were major backers of Trump during the republican primary season. So you picked a man who has been married 3 times and actually cheated on his first wife with the woman who would become his 2nd wife (I know, I saw it). I guess your idea of family values was the more families the merrier. No sanctity of marriage issues?

As for his 3rd wife, you, the religious right, talk about chastity and purity. How about nudity?

I guess y’all find no issue with the fact that our new first lady has many assets, all of which were on public display many times for the world to see.

You tout his success as a businessman. I (and many others) call bull shit! The world of Trump is littered with his businesses he has bankrupted, his own and other businesses; filled with businesses that he didn’t pay or just sued until they had no more money to pay their lawyers. Don’t believe me? Spend a week in and around Atlantic City, a place where he once had 4 casinos, all of which went bankrupt, and you will find many people who think Trump is a dirty word.

But what’s worse about this whole thing is that you still back him when the man has shown no piety at all; he shows no humility; and he has shown no ability to lead on many of the core values The Bible (the old or the new one – take your choice) teaches – feed the hungry, heal the sick, help those who are in need.

Those who are in need do not get food, do not get healthcare, do not get help from those who are more fortunate than they (the same ones who are getting those tax cuts). You know who gets his help? The rich, the top 1% who are now in-line for a tax cut, exactly what they don’t need.

You state to all of America that you are red, white and blue patriots but you support a man who infuriates our allies, snuggles up to a murdering tyrant, belittles his opponents and has done nothing to deserve your religious like devotion. You say you have faith and believe in a man who walked on water, yet you support a man who walks all over those less fortunate than he is. Now what would Jesus say about that?


Posted by: on Feb 16, 2017 | No Comments


After months on the sidelines, for a variety of reasons, I’m back. I’m also on the edge. On the edge of what, I have no idea. The edge of reason, the edge of insanity, the edge of drinking myself into a stupor. I’m not sure but I’m on the edge.

Obama Invents Racism…

Posted by: on Sep 22, 2016 | No Comments

Obama Invents Racism…

….no he didn’t but according to Kathy Miller (pictured above), a Trump campaign chair in Ohio, there was no racism before Obama.

Scared Democratic!

Posted by: on Jun 28, 2016 | No Comments

Scared Democratic!

You’ve heard of being scared straight? When you are so scared of doing something that you don’t do it. Well that’s how I feel about the political situation at the moment.

The Fears of My Father

The Fears of My Father

Posted by: on Jun 14, 2016 | No Comments

The Fears of My Father

A happy grandpa on his 90th birthday

This August, my dad will be 92 years old. He landed on the shores of France 72 years ago this month, shortly after D-Day and was part of the occupational forces in Europe serving in Patton’s army. He is a member of our country’s greatest generation and fought the war to end all wars…or so he thought.

The Bible as the Official State Book

Posted by: on Apr 12, 2016 | No Comments

The Bible as the Official State Book

Yes, you read that title right. The State of Tennessee, in all of their divine wisdom, has voted to name The Holy Bible as the official State Book of Tennessee. Just when you think the religious right could not get anymore out of touch with the principles our nation was built on, someone comes up with this.

Show Some Respect

Show Some Respect

Posted by: on Feb 16, 2016 | No Comments

Show Some Respect

This past weekend, Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia died. I don’t think it took more than a few nanoseconds before both sides of the political lunatic fringe used this opportunity to use this moment to serve their own cause. Holy Shit America….you all should be ashamed of yourselves.

Climate Change, Marco Rubio & Common Sense

Climate Change, Marco Rubio & Common Sense

Posted by: on Feb 12, 2016 | No Comments

Will Florida look like this some day?

Climate Change, Marco Rubio & Common Sense

If you have seen An Inconvenient Truth, you right remember a scene that shows a graphic of Florida (like the one

Boston Herald Dazed and Confused

Posted by: on Feb 1, 2016 | No Comments

Boston Herald Dazed and Confused

Take a look at that headline. Just look at it. Earlier this week, the editorial staff of the Boston Herald endorsed Chris Christie, the Governor of New Jersey, for President. Here’s my question for those folks up there: What the f’ are you thinking?