Not So Kosher For Passover
Not So Kosher For Passover
Yes, I am Jewish. No I don’t keep Kosher…never have…never plan to. There are a lot of folks out there in the world, that when they found out you are Jewish, they just assume you don’t eat pork products. Essentially they are ignorant.
Viagra Model Daze
Viagra Model Daze
Can we talk about ED…erectile dysfunction. Major Major Disclaimer (and if my kids are reading this, hide your eyes): ED is not a problem for me but I do get big kick out of those Viagra TV commercials.
Postal Service Daze 2016
Postal Service Daze 2016
About a year ago, I wrote this blog post about issues I was having with the US postal service:
The Bible as the Official State Book
The Bible as the Official State Book
Yes, you read that title right. The State of Tennessee, in all of their divine wisdom, has voted to name The Holy Bible as the official State Book of Tennessee. Just when you think the religious right could not get anymore out of touch with the principles our nation was built on, someone comes up with this.
Getting High at Mile High
Getting High at Mile High
I’m a big believer in the theory that “you can’t make this shit up.” The sporting goods chain Sports Authority has declared bankruptcy. Creates a small problem for the Denver Broncos who play at Sports Authority Field at Mile High
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