30 Years And On

Posted by: on Jun 9, 2015 | 2 Comments

One of our all time favorite photos. Apple picking in CNY, fall 1982 (before the photographer became the king of selfies)


Yes, today’s my anniversary…or should I say today is our 30th anniversary. 30 years ago today, Linda and I were married. Honestly, seems like yesterday. Well maybe last week.

Many people are always asking Linda “how do you put up with him?” and telling me I’ve overachieved. My response has always been there’s only 2 other people who know the real truth, and I’m not so sure they wouldn’t ask “how does he put up with her?” Let’s just say we put up with each other, and our formula is working so far. And just say you know, this whole blog thing was her idea (along with that other LB), so don’t blame me!

And now….without any further ado….here is the Top 10 things I love about being married to Linda (although I could easily get to a top 100 without much effort).

#10 – She says funny things that she claims aren’t funny (and she does it almost every day) but everyone else thinks they are. FYI, Linda is a malaprop – the mistaken use of a word in place of a similar sounding one, often with unintentionally amusing effect – so she says things like beach corrosion, Acapulco singing (think Pitch Perfect) and acid influx.
#9 – She loves the Guatamalan women at the car wash so much, she tried to kidnap one once. Not really, but she did drive off with one by mistake one day while the woman was cleaning the windows on the inside of the car. Someday there will be a TV episode about this (and so many other Linda moments).
#8 – She’s a really good cook. It’s amazing I have a small beer belly and not a full sized keg!
#7 – Linda brought dogs into our life. Took 2 weeks after we bought our house before we brought Ripley home. Now we’ve got Cosmo and Shay (at least until Zach moves out). Funny thing is she loves dogs, loves to cuddle with the dogs but doesn’t like being licked by the dogs. I actually like being licked by our dogs (except if I’ve seen them licking their ass just before than I get all grossed out).
#6 – If you are friends with Linda, you don’t need a therapist. Linda listens better than any person I know and she gives great advice. Probably missed her calling and should have been a shrink of some kind.
#5 – She knows what the Venus Butterfly is.
#4 – She bleeds Orange and, just like this blog, this whole Ira being Mr. Uber Orange was pretty much all her idea. Funny how she comes up with the ideas and than leaves me with all the work.
#3 – Not going to say she’s the best mom (see this IraSez post to find out why – http://www.irasez.com/youre-the-best/ ) but she’s pretty friggin’ awesome mom.
#2 – Her secret medicine is laughter. Even when things aren’t going well, one of us is having a bad day, when the world just sucks…we always find something to laugh about.
#1 – Linda is a wonderful wife and a truly beautiful person. She’s my best audience, my editor, my critic and my best source of inspiration (although I’m forbidden to use the really good stuff). It’s not about the material things and never will be. As long as I come home, make her smile, hold her hand, scratch her back, do the dishes, cuddle, bring her flowers for no particular reason, take care of the honey do list, crack her back, yada yada yada, and promise to keep doing it for another 30 years, she’s happy. It’s that easy.

LB – you are my best friend (with benefits) and that’s all that really matters. Now I need my hanky.


  1. Larry Bashe
    June 9, 2015

    We love you both.

  2. Ina B..
    June 9, 2015

    I’d leave a comment that wouldn’t say too much, so the best compliment I can offer is to share this blog.

    Happy 30th!